The powerful bundles of the ✨Quantum Light Week ✨

Dear LumiNation community

Here they are, our powerful bundles for LuminoSana ✨Quantum Light Week✨! Starting today, Monday, November 25, you can view, share and purchase the bundles - you have until 11:59 pm on Friday, so let's go, Reader!

We have created bundles for newcomers and quantum professionals. You'll find one bundle per theme world of water, EMF, anti-stress and biohacking, 3 bundles for our latest product, the Sphere 💫, as well as an add-on bundle.

Are you new to the LuminoSana world?

Then take a look at our theme world bundles:

“Pure Hydration”

Change your drinking experience with this package! You can create water that not only quenches your thirst, but also invigorates and revitalizes your whole body.

This bundle contains 2 products:

  • Genius Water Bottle
  • New Water Add-on

Quantum Light Week Price: €84

“Digital Detox”

Imagine a world where you wake up every day refreshed, relaxed and calm, free from the disruptive effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF). This bundle makes it a reality.

This bundle contains 4 products:

  • Genius Smartphone
  • Genius Wi-Fi Router
  • Sanctuary Add-on
  • Healthy Waves

Quantum Light Week Price: €169

“Inner Peace”

What if everyday life could keep you calm despite stress and obligations? These products use the power of quantum energy to calm your nervous system, activate the parasympathetic nervous system and promote deep relaxation.

This bundle contains 3 products:

  • Genius Pillow
  • Genius Plus Water Bottle
  • Peace Add-on

Quantum Light Week Price: €155

“Quantum Performance”

These products can take your performance to the next level: A lightning-fast energy boost for your training shoes and a good mood even without morning coffee are the effects.

This bundle contains 4 products:

  • Genius Plus Shoes
  • Genius Plus Water Bottle
  • New Water Add-on
  • Espresso Add-on

Quantum Light Week Price: €284

Are you already an experienced quantum professional?

Then these bundles for the Sphere are for you. The LuminoSana Sphere allows the energy of the universe to flow freely through you. It can open the space of deep connection with the source and unconditional love at any time.

Partner Bundle

In this bundle, you get 2 Sphere vouchers. This is ideal as a couple so that you can merge with the energy field of the universe at the same time, each with your own individual Sphere.

Quantum Light Week Price: €1332

Friends Bundle

This bundle is perfect for you if you want to gift friends with the magic of the Sphere, because you get 3 Sphere vouchers (also suitable if you are a family of 3).

Quantum Light Week Price: €1665

Family Bundle

4 Sphere vouchers: The perfect bundle for a family of 4, as everyone can have their own personal Sphere slot and immerse themselves deeply in their own power and gently expand their consciousness at any time.

Quantum Light Week Price: €1998

Want to get into the add-ons fullness?

If you've always wanted new, useful features for your quantum entangled objects, this bundle is perfect for you.

“Quantum Power Pack”

Add-ons are innovative expansions that transform your quantum entangled objects into intelligent matter and open up completely new possibilities.

This bundle contains 3 products:

  • New Water Add-on
  • Peace Add-on
  • Abundance Add-on

Quantum Light Week Price: €210

We look forward to giving you more light, health and well-being with our bundles. See you soon!

We will stay in touch,
Your LuminoSana Team

P.S.: You can use all add-ons on all quantum entangled objects (i.e. all Genius, Genius Plus and objects swiped through the Cube) as well as on the LuminoSana Sphere. Only the water add-on can only be used on quantum entangled objects that come into contact with water – i.e. not on the Sphere.

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Terra Santa 1, Larnaca, Larnaca 6012
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LuminoSana Wasser Addon

Liebe LumiNation-Community Hier sind sie, unsere kraftvollen Bundles der LuminoSana ✨Quantum Light Week✨! Seit heute, Montag, 25. November, kannst du die Bundles anschauen, teilen und kaufen – bis zum Freitag 23:59 Uhr hast du Zeit, also los geht's, Reader! Wir haben Bundles für Neueinsteiger und Quantenprofis kreiert. Du findest ein Bundle pro Themenwelt Wasser, EMF, Anti-Stress und Biohacking, 3 Bundles für unser neustes Produkt, die Sphere 💫 sowie ein Add-on Bundle. Bist du neuer in der...

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